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HomeTrieste Photo Fringe – White Cafè

Trieste Photo Fringe – White Cafè

Trieste Photo Fringe – White Cafè

Trieste Photo Fringe
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White Cafè
Via Genova, 21/A Trieste - Italy
Start: 24/01/2024 - 31/03/2024
End: 24/01/2024 - 31/03/2024
Hours: All Day

Trieste Photo Fringe brings your photos and projects around the city.
Explore the exhibition at White Cafè in Trieste.


Alida Volpi – Behind The Glass The Tenderness Of Childhood
Cristian Cesarotto – Gianni E Il Pappagallo Loreto
Federico Borobio – Sunset In The Plaza De La Danza In Oaxaca
Giampiero Servodio – Multiverso
Giovanni Cenerino – Untitled
Marco Berliocchi – Pellegrini A San Pietro
Mark Eden – Lessons Over Chai
Morteza Nikoubazl – Puff
Patrick Vaccalluzzo – The Different
Sinan Onurlu – Untitled
Taran – Excitement To Check Mobile