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HomeNewsBengali photographer Md Enamul Kabir wins URBAN 2019 Photo Awards

Bengali photographer Md Enamul Kabir wins URBAN 2019 Photo Awards

Bengali photographer Md Enamul Kabir wins URBAN 2019 Photo Awards

Bengali photographer Md Enamul Kabir is the Winner Overall of URBAN Photo Awards tenth edition: his photo Coexhistence was chosen by the President of the Jury Martin Parr who awarded the author, albeit virtually, during the award ceremony of the contest held last Saturday, October 26th, at Trieste Photo Days festival.

“Everything is in the right place, with this magical shot from India” commented Martin Parr about Coexhistence. “The surreal nature if this is almost hard to believe.”

Md Enamul Kabir - Coexistence

Md Enamul Kabir – Coexistence

Awarded as Best Author and first portfolio Belgian photographer Alain Schroeder, author of several evocative projects that received unanimous praise from the jury.

The winners of each category are Md Enamul Kabir (Streets), Giancarlo Staubmann from Italy (People), Polish photographer Marcin Giba (Spaces) and Italian photographer Sergio Baseggio (Creative).

Martin Parr also wanted to comment on some of the winning photos. On Summer On The Lake by Giancarlo Staubmann: “I love the girl on the end of board and also the splash of the person who has juste dived in. Getting all those components lines up is quite an achievement.”

About Denis Buchel’s After Work (honorable mention in the Streets section): “The atmosphere in this shot is wonderful, all the faces look anything from melancholy to down right fed up!”

Among the special mentions by Martin Parr: Politician by Jaume Escofet, Encierro by Simone Mantia, Stesso Punto Di Vista by Sergio Baseggio and Selfie Quasi Perfetto by Francesco Licandro.

During the ceremony, the Honorable Mentions and Remarkable Rewards of each section were also awarded, as well as the three projects selected for the exhibition at the Museum of Porec last August and the four projects of the “Civic Museums of Trieste”, selected for an exhibition at the “Sartorio” Museum, open until 6 January 2020.

The awards ceremony on Saturday continued with the Gala Dinner, which was attended by all the winners present, the festival staff and Martin Parr.

This amazing tenth edition of the competition, which began on March 1st, featured 6,049 photos and 346 portfolios for over 1,257 participants from all over the world. We sincerely thank all the competitors, the winners, the jurors, the technical partners Stroppa, Think Tank Photo, Blow Photo magazine and Street Photography Magazine, the main partners and the venues that hosted the summer exhibitions and the Trieste Photo Fringe.

See you on March 1, 2020 with the next edition of URBAN Photo Awards!

URBAN 2019 Final Ranking

URBAN 2019 Winner Overall

  • Md Enamul Kabir

URBAN 2019 Best Author

  • Alain Schroeder


1st place

  • Md Enamul KabirCoexistence

Honorable Mentions

  • Denis BuchelAfter Work
  • Jaume EscofetPolitician
  • Simone MantiaEncierro
  • Francesco LicandroSelfie Quasi Perfetto

Remarkable Rewards

  • Mariangela MuggianuLa Marcia Dei Pasticceri
  • Giancarlo RupoloRelax In Attesa


1st place

  • Giancarlo StaubmannSummer On The Lake

Honorable Mention

  • Colmar WockeThe Two Swans

Remarkable Rewards

  • Shinya ItahanaPattern Of Grassland
  • Roberto MalagoliIl Tempo è un Gioco
  • Mauro De BettioPain & Passion
  • Harry GiglioUntitled


1st place

  • Marcin GibaCity Swimming Pool

Honorable Mentions

  • Ovi D PopDead Or Alive
  • Jiho ParkMorning In Murmansk

Remarkable Rewards

  • Rebeka LegovićNeither In Heaven Nor On Earth
  • Patrick ZélisUntitled


1st place

  • Sergio BaseggioStesso Punto Di Vista

Honorable Mention

  • Dina GoldsteinThe Last Supper East Vancouver

Remarkable Reward

  • Merethe Wessel-BergOne


1st place

  • Alain SchroederKim City

Honorable Mentions

  • Antonino SismoPleasure Beach Club
  • Alice Van KempenFurbex

Remarkable Reward

  • Michele AndreossiAi Piedi Dei Grattacieli


  • Giovanni PaoliniUrban Vision
  • Mariagrazia BeruffiLa Boda
  • Roberto Di PatriziRailway Station


  • Roman RobroekAbandoned Art In Decay
  • Francis MesletSilent Screams Of Oblivion
  • Michele Andreossi – Ai Piedi Dei Grattacieli
  • Maria PansiniTarlabasi – Behind The Scenes Of Istanbul

